PDF⋙ ISO 685:1975, Analysis of soaps -- Determination of total alkali content and total fatty matter content by ISO TC 91
ISO 685:1975, Analysis of soaps -- Determination of total alkali content and total fatty matter content by ISO TC 91
ISO 685:1975, Analysis of soaps -- Determination of total alkali content and total fatty matter content by ISO TC 91 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The method consists in decomposition of the soap by a known volume of standard volumetric mineral acid solution, extraction and separation of the liberated fatty matter with light petroleum and determination of a total alkali content by titration of the excess of acid contained in the aqueous phase with a standard volumetric sodium hydroxide solution. After evaporation of the light petroleum from the extract, dissolution of the residue in ethanol and neutralization of the fatty acids with a standard volumetric potassium hydroxide solution. Evaporation of the ethanol and weighing of the soap formed to determine the total fatty matter content. This title may contain less than 24 pages of technical content.From reader reviews:
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